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Friday, June 10, 2005

Man abused by pedophile priest tells his story

Boston, Massachusetts --

Standing in the sanctuary of St. Raphael Catholic Church just below a large sculpted crucifix, Dennis Gaboury paused before launching into his personal tale of clerical sexual abuse and his long, painful path to healing.

He first thanked the church's pastor, the Rev. Pat Berquist and Bishop Donald Kettler for allowing him to speak without censorship.

'I don't know if this has ever happened where an actual victim comes to a church in front of a cross and talks to parishioners,' said Gaboury who has spoken publicly many times before, including national television programs such as CNN and 'Oprah.'

Gaboury, 53, grew up in Massachusetts during the 1950s and '60s, in 'a very Catholic home,' where priests and nuns were considered more holy than human. He detailed the culture of secrecy at the time when no one spoke of sex abuse.

In 1961, he was 10 years old and an altar boy, when he was raped by his parish priest, James Porter.

Read the article at News-Miner dated March 24, 2005
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